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dc.contributor.authorZambrano Romero, Sabrina Dayana-
dc.identifier.citationZambrano Romero, S. D. (2023). Diagnóstico del aporte de la mujer en el desarrollo agropecuario. Caso de estudio: Asociación de Mujeres Comunitarias de Tosagua, período 2022-2023. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEsta investigación tuvo la finalidad de analizar el aporte de la mujer en el sector agropecuario, según el caso de estudio de Asociación de Mujeres Comunitarias de Tosagua, las estrategias de desarrollo son evidentemente más equitativas cuando se tienen en cuenta las diferentes limitaciones, opciones, incentivos y necesidades de las mujeres, esto nos llevó a plantearnos la siguiente interrogante ¿Cuáles serían los principales aportes de la mujer en el sector agropecuario del cantón Tosagua?, para lo cual se utilizaron los métodos de análisis-síntesis, histórico lógico y revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de realizar las variables de investigación.es
dc.description.abstractThis research had the purpose of analyzing the contribution of women in the agricultural sector, according to the case study of the Association of Community Women of Tosagua, development strategies are evidently more equitable when taking into account the different limitations, options, incentives and needs of women, this led us to ask ourselves the following question: What would be the main contributions of women in the agricultural sector of the Tosagua canton?, for which the methods of analysis-synthesis, logical history and bibliographic review with the objective of carrying out the research variables, in addition, the survey techniques were carried out on the members of the Association and an interview with the legal Representative of the Association, to collect and tabulate the data, and conclude that 88% of the associates are women and 12% are men; 75% of those surveyed answered yes, that the household economy has improved; and, 51% recognized that their economic income is from the association, concluding that Women within the agricultural sector have made contributions to the household economy reflected in the improvement of the quality of life of their Community, the proposal is proposed to carry out a Balanced Scorecard (CMI) for the development of the control methodology in the AMUCOMT association of the Tosagua canton, which allows them to apply methods and techniques to evaluate the growth of the association, its performance and its strategic objectives to achieve its long term goals.es
dc.subjectAPORTE DE LA MUJERes
dc.titleDiagnóstico del aporte de la mujer en el desarrollo agropecuario. Caso de estudio: Asociación de Mujeres Comunitarias de Tosagua, período 2022-2023.es
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA AGROPECUARIA

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