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Título : Estudio de percepción de los residentes locales, respecto al turismo.
Fecha de publicación : 2023
Citación : ULEAM-TUR;0004
Resumen : The present work corresponds to the institutional research project "Integrated and intelligent management methodology of destinations for the homogeneous improvement of tourist quality. Manabí Province...". The realization of this research work focused on the study of perception of local residents, regarding tourism in the parish of Santa Marianita, whose study on tourist cognition is based on local residents since it is essential for tourism planning. effective and sustainable. Through the participation of the local community, inclusion can be promoted, people's needs and concerns identified, heritage preserved and the overall tourism experience enhanced. This contributes to a more balanced and improved tourism development for local communities and tourists. A non- experimental investigation was carried out, through the application of a survey to residents and the consultation of secondary bibliographic sources. The results were obtained through the research technique, the survey and its proven probabilistic method. The survey was applied to 383 residents of the parish of Santa Marianita, to find out their perceptions regarding tourism. With the findings of this study, it was concluded that the local community agrees with tourism development in the area. Despite, that previously it has not been given.
Descripción : El presente trabajo corresponde al proyecto de investigación institucional “Metodología de gestión integrada e inteligente de destinos para la mejora homogénea de la calidad turística. Provincia Manabí...”. La realización de este trabajo de investigación se enfocó en estudio de percepción de los residentes locales, respecto al turismo en la parroquia de Santa Marianita, cuyo estudio sobre la cognición turística, es basada en los residentes. locales ya que es fundamental para una planificación turística eficaz y sostenible.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/4876
Aparece en las colecciones: TURISMO

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