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Título : Estudio de la evolución del centro urbano de Tarqui y su perfil costero. estrategias al 2030.
Autor : Cedeño Cedeño, Josué David
Chica Ponce, Steven Alexis
Fecha de publicación : 2023
Citación : Cedeño Cedeño, J. D. y Chica Ponce, S. A. (2023). Estudio de la evolución del centro urbano de Tarqui y su perfil costero. estrategias al 2030. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ARQ;0127
Resumen : The urban business center of the Tarqui parish, exposes elements of urban deterioration because of the earthquake of April 16, 2016, resulting in the loss of centrality functions, that is, that the downtown area does not have power of attraction and stop proposing yourself as a space of urban concentration. The spread of activities that were developed within the parish, is an element that evidences the dispersed growth of the city. In this perspective, the area that once housed the largest number of businesses in the canton of Manta, now maintains problems of stagnation in its urban productivity, with unused space and without a focus on rehabilitation. Under the parameters of a polycentric city that seeks to dynamize and characterize each of its nuclei, it is necessary to recover this centrality, without fragmenting its urban fabric. Therefore, urban-architectural strategies are established as a planning guide in accordance with the correct post-catastrophe development of the sector, in favor of the citizens and the public space of the canton. All this, in full exercise of the right to the city and keeping in mind the Sustainable Development Goals to develop a sustainable city and community, the reconfiguration of those urban voids and their reactivation.
Descripción : El núcleo urbano de carácter monofocal de la parroquia Tarqui, expone elementos de deterioro urbano como consecuencia del terremoto del 16 de abril de 2016, dando como resultado la pérdida de las funciones de centralidad, es decir, que la zona céntrica no tiene poder de atracción y deja de proponerse como un espacio de concentración urbana.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5039
Aparece en las colecciones: ARQUITECTURA

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