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Title: Influencia de las redes sociales en las ventas de los negocios de comida rápida durante la pandemia COVID-19 en la parroquia Manta en el periodo 2020-2021.
Authors: Murillo Martínez, Glemm Yury
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Murillo Martínez, G. Y. (2023). Influencia de las redes sociales en las ventas de los negocios de comida rápida durante la pandemia COVID-19 en la parroquia Manta en el periodo 2020-2021. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-ADM;0145
Abstract: The arrival of COVID 19 transformed the world, generated a great economic, health and social crisis because of the restrictions taken to preserve the health of the population, businesses had to close early, and this affected the level of sales. Many companies faced massive changes in their demands, however, the sector of selling prepared meals was influenced by digital marketing, which was the means with which they subsisted during the strongest outbreak of the pandemic, working behind closed doors and with home delivery. This research was carried out with the objective of analyzing the impact of sales made by digital delivery applications in fast food businesses during the COVID 19 pandemic in the Manta parish. For this, a non-experimental research design of descriptive and documentary type was used, where the survey addressed to 384 people from the Manta parish and an interview aimed at fast food restaurant managers who use home delivery service were applied as data collection techniques, considering a sample of 4 premises, Thus, this study had a qualitative-quantitative approach. The results show that the pandemic was a great challenge for all companies, given that no one was prepared, however, food establishments had an advantage because they were allowed to work up to an hour later implementing a service of great reception in the market, helping sales growth.
Description: La llegada del COVID 19 generó una gran crisis económica, sanitaria y social debido a que por las restricciones tomadas para preservar la salud de la población, los negocios debían cerrar temprano, afectando así en su nivel de ventas. Muchas empresas enfrentaron cambios masivos en sus demandas, sin embargo, el sector de venta de comidas preparadas se vio influenciado por el marketing digital, que fue el medio con el cual subsistieron durante el brote más fuerte de la pandemia, trabajando a puerta cerrada y con entrega a domicilio.

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