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Title: Implementar un frigorífico para la venta de carnada fresca para pesca long line en la parroquia San Mateo del Cantón Manta.
Authors: Ratti Zambrano, Naomi Katherine
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Ratti Zambrano, N. K. (2022). Implementar un frigorífico para la venta de carnada fresca para pesca long line en la parroquia San Mateo del Cantón Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-ADM;0149
Abstract: The main objective of this research is to implement a refrigerator for the sale of fresh bait for long line fishing in the parish of San Mateo in the canton of Manta. This idea of creating a store of these characteristics is based on explaining different theories that will allow me through research to demonstrate the existing need in the parish of San Mateo. The idea of developing a store is based on giving point of sale of fresh bait to the service of the community near the boat owners; with the sufficient demand of the client this type of commerce can allow us to have a good reception therefore it is a great idea that is wanted to develop. In effect to the above mentioned, the interest is born to know if it is feasible to create and start up a business dedicated to offer fresh bait sales that satisfies the client's needs, offering them the facility of not having to leave the parish to get bait and thus reduce costs in mobilization.
Description: La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal implementar un frigorífico para la venta de carnada fresca para pesca Long line en la parroquia San Mateo del cantón Manta. Esta idea de crear un local de ventas de estas características se basa explicando distintas teorías que me permitirán a través de la investigación evidenciar la necesidad existente en la parroquia San Mateo.

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