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Title: Análisis de la eficiencia y productividad del modelo de costos-volumen-utilidad del sector porcícola del cantón Chone/Ecuador, periodo 2022 – 2023.
Authors: Cedeño Cedeño, María Magdalena
Zambrano Parrales, Gema Mercedes
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Cedeño Cedeño, M. M. y Zambrano Parrales, G. M. (2023). Análisis de la eficiencia y productividad del modelo de costos-volumen-utilidad del sector porcícola del cantón Chone/Ecuador, periodo 2022 – 2023. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-ADM;0166
Abstract: The purpose of the research is to analyze the efficiency and productivity of the cost-volume-profit model in the swine sector, with the prospective of generating solutions for productive repowering, and thus optimally managing the economic and administrative processes. This model is a tool of significant importance for agribusiness development, which analyzes information on production costs, as well as product pricing, among others. The fundamental problem addressed highlights the deficient management of production/administrative processes and the need to implement techniques for continuous improvement. The methods used for this research were empirical (analysis of efficiency and productivity) and theoretical (analysis-synthesis, inductive, deductive and retrospective research), as well as their techniques (scientific observation, surveys and interviews), thus establishing the optimal answer to the research question and hypothesis, On the other hand, it was obtained as a result in the economic model that of the 40 pig farmers only 3 show that they recover their investment and obtain profit, since the value of their productivity is higher than 0.5 to 1, and that the remaining 37 are below 0.5 of productivity, having strong economic losses where their net profit is below the commercialization (sales), showing the deficit of their production processes. The implementation of productive techniques is necessary.
Description: La investigación tiene como finalidad analizar la eficiencia y productividad del modelo de costos-volumen-utilidad en el sector porcino, con prospectiva de generar soluciones de repotenciación productiva, y que con ello se gestionen de forma óptima los procesos económicos y administrativos. Dicho modelo es una herramienta de significante importancia para el desarrollo de los agronegocios, la cual analiza información de costos de producción, como también la fijación de los precios del producto, entre otros. El problema fundamental abordado resalta el deficiente manejo de los procesos de producción/administrativos y la necesidad de implementar técnicas para la mejora continua.

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