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Title: Comportamiento productivo de pollos broilers con la suplementación de harina de plátano.
Authors: Muñoz Quiroz, María Gabriela
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Muñoz Quiroz, M. G. (2023). Comportamiento productivo de pollos broilers con la suplementación de harina de plátano. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-AGRO;0144
Abstract: The objective of this research was to evaluate the productive behavior ofbroilers with plantain meal supplementation. For this purpose, 64 experimental units were evaluated in a complete randomized design with 8 treatments: Tl (Females + 20% HP), T2 (Males + 20% HP), T3 (Females + 25% HP), T4 (Males + 25% HP), T5 (Females + 30% HP), T6 (Females + 30% HP), T7 (Males+ 0% HP) and T8 (Males + 0% HP); weekly weight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion, mortality and economic analysis were measured. The results show that the productive behavior of Broilers was affected only by factor B (Percentage of plantain meal) in the variables weight gain and feed conversion, being superior the O % of plantain meal with values of 133.72, 416 . 25, 512.79, 871.18 and 1009,44 grams in weeks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively anda C.A . of 1,22. It was identified that the most appropriate percentage of plantain meal in feed supplementation was O % in Broiler chickens. The economic analysis of the study treatments showed that the O% dose of plantain meal was the most profitable since it had a profit of 17.18 % (T7: Females O% HP) and 18.27 % (T8: Males O% HP).
Description: La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo de evaluar el comportamiento productivo de los pollos Broilers con la suplementación de harina de plátano, para ello se evaluaron 64 unidades experimentales dispuestos en un diseño completo al azar con 8 tratami e ntos: Tl (H e mbras+ 20% HP), T2 (Machos+ 2 0% HP), T3 (Hembras+ 25% HP) , T4 (Machos+ 25% HP), T5 (Hembras+ 30% HP), T6 (Hembras+ 30 % HP) , T7 (Machos + 0% HP) y T8 (Machos + 0% HP); se midió la ganacia de peso semanal, consumo de alimento, conversión alimenticia , mortalidad y análisis económico.

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