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Title: Efecto de la aplicación de Trichodermas sp. para el control de Moniliasis (Moniliophthora roreri L.) en el cultivo de cacao CCN51.
Authors: Vidal Varela, Brayan Vicente
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Vidal Varela, B. V. (2023). Efecto de la aplicación de Trichodermas SP. para el control de Moniliasis (Moniliophthora roreri L.) en el cultivo de cacao CCN51. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-AGRO;0179
Abstract: The use of biofungicides has been gaining space for the consideration of cocoa growers as a method of control of Moniliophthora roreri L., author of great economic losses. However, the effectiveness of using Trichodermas sp to control the disease is unknown. The objective was to evaluate the effect of the application of Trichodermas sp in the cultivation of CCN51 cocoa. A random complete block design with 4 repetitions was applied. A random complete block design with 4 repetitions was applied. The treatments were T1 (Dose 0 ml per liter of water (Control), T2 (Dose 1.5 ml per liter of water), T3 (Dose 3.0 ml per liter of water), T4 (Dose 4.5 ml per liter of water), T5 (Dose 6.0 ml per liter of water) these treatments were applied every 21 42 and 63 days. The report of the results is after the third application of the biocontroller, the largest number of diseased cobs was reported by the control treatment with an average of (4 ears), the T5 reported the lowest number (2 cobs). In general, all treatments did not report a significant difference in cob weight, T5 (724.4 g) reported the highest mean. In general, all treatments did not report a significant difference in cob weight, T5 (724.4 g) reported the highest mean. In the performance variable, the T5 treatment reports (833.56 kg ha-1) and the lowest yield the T1 (622.86 kg ha-1). The T5 reports the best cost benefit reporting 0.15 ctvs. per dollar invested. The speed provided by the biological mechanisms of the use of Trichoderma, established that all doses work effectively to control Moniliophthora roreri L.
Description: El uso de biofungicidas viene ganando espacio a consideración de los cacaoteros como método de control de Moniliophthora roreri L., autora de grandes pérdidas económicas. Sin embargo, se desconoce la efectividad del uso de Trichodermas sp. para controlar la enfermedad. El objetivo fue evaluar efecto de la aplicación de los Trichodermas sp. en el cultivo de cacao CCN51. Se aplicó un diseño de bloques completos al azar con 4 repeticiones. Los tratamientos fueron T1 (Dosis 0 ml por litro de agua o Testigo), T2 (Dosis 1,5 ml por litro de agua), T3 (Dosis 3,0 ml por litro de agua), T4 (Dosis 4,5 ml por litro de agua), T5 (Dosis 6,0 ml por litro de agua) dichos tratamientos se aplicaron cada 21, 42 y 63 días. El reporte de los resultados fue después de la tercera aplicación del biocontrolador. El mayor número de mazorcas enfermas lo reportó el tratamiento control con un promedio de 4 mazorcas; el T5 reportó el menor número (2 mazorcas).

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