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Title: Caracterización de los tipos de cultivares de cacao existentes en el sitio San Andrés del cantón Chone, 2022.
Authors: Muñoz Salavarria, Adriana Maricela
Vera Caicedo, Nicolle Paulina
Keywords: CACAO
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Muñoz Salavarria, A. M. y Vera Caicedo, N. P. (2023). Caracterización de los tipos de cultivares de cacao existentes en el sitio San Andrés del cantón Chone, 2022. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-AGRO;0188
Abstract: The present research project had the purpose of carrying out a characterization of the types of cocoa cultivars existing in the San Andrés site of the Chone canton, for which the review of bibliographic sources was carried out with the objective of carrying out the morphological characterization of the cocoa trees. cacao selected applying descriptors for leaf, flower, fruit and seed, the methods that were applied were, exploratory method, analytical method and deductive method, in addition the technique of descriptors was used that allowed collecting and tabulating data, in order to know their results, among which determined that in the cocoa cultivars that exist in San Andrés the highest percentage is Trinitario cocoa (CCN-51), likewise specific tasks were raised to carry out this research such as evaluating the theoretical foundations of morphological characterization of cocoa and determine the morphological characteristics of the selected cocoa trees apply do descriptors, disseminate the results obtained in the study carried out and propose adequate strategies that influence the implementation of the improvement of the cultivars, as a conclusion of the present titling work carried out on the cocoa phenotypes through the analysis, the result was that the characterization of the types of existing cultivars are distributed as follows: firstly, the Trinitario (CCN-51) with 90 trees, followed by the Criollo with 40 trees and finally the forastero with 20 trees.
Description: El presente proyecto de investigación tuvo la finalidad realizar una caracterización de los tipos de cultivares de cacao existentes en el sitio San Andrés del cantón Chone, para lo cual se realizó la revisión de fuentes bibliográficas con el objetivo de efectuar la caracterización morfológica de los árboles de cacao seleccionados aplicando descriptores para hoja, flor, fruto y semilla, los métodos que se aplicaron fueron, método exploratorio, método analítico y método deductivo, además se utilizó la técnica de descriptores que permitieron recolectar y tabular datos, para así conocer sus resultados, entre los cuales se determinó que en los cultivares de cacao que existen en San Andrés el mayor porcentaje es de cacao Trinitario (CCN-51).

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