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Title: Caracterización fisicoquímica de la leche comercializada en el cantón Chone.
Authors: Suarez Garcia, Mariuxi Magdalena
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Suarez Garcia, M. M. (2023). Caracterización fisicoquímica de la leche comercializada en el cantón Chone. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-AGRO;0197
Abstract: This investigation was carried out in the municipal market of the city of Chone on the milk that is commercialized as part of the productive chain, the sample was of five raw milk merchants. The methodology of analysis - synthesis, induction - deduction and bibliography was used; in the techniques observation and statistical analysis were used; where the research variables were executed. In the analysis of the samples, 250 ml plastic containers with their respective hermetic closures were used and later analyzed in the veterinary laboratory ANIMALAB CIA LTDA. Providing as results that the physical characteristics of the milk are normal by the NTE INEN 9:2012 standard, in the chemical characteristics of the milk sold in the municipal market of the city of Chone, the most affected indicators were the density test with values of 1,027 g/ml and the pH test with values of 5.6 not reaching the minimum by the norm. Which was proposed that the merchants of the city use the technical guide of good practices of marketed milk, being basic principles of hygiene and safety in the handling of food for human consumption.
Description: Esta investigación se ejecutó en el mercado municipal de la ciudad de Chone sobre la leche que se comercializa siendo parte de la cadena productiva, la muestra fue de cinco comerciantes de leche cruda. Se utilizó la metodología de análisis – síntesis, inducción – deducción y bibliográfica; en las técnicas se utilizó la observación y análisis estadístico; donde se ejecutaron las variables de la investigación.

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