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Title: Evaluación de dos fórmulas alimenticias con diferentes niveles de proteínas en pollos broilers en etapa de engorde en el Centro de gestión, innovación y transferencia de conocimiento “Finca Tigrillo” de la Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, 2022.
Authors: Pazmiño Moreira, Evelyn Katherine
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Pazmiño Moreira, E. K. (2023). Evaluación de dos fórmulas alimenticias con diferentes niveles de proteínas en pollos broilers en etapa de engorde en el Centro de gestión, innovación y transferencia de conocimiento “Finca Tigrillo” de la Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, 2022. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-AGRO;0206
Abstract: The present investigation corresponds to the productive area and was carried out in the Chone canton at the "Finca Tigrillo" Management, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer Center of the Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí University, proposing to evaluate the response of two food formulas with different levels of proteins in broiler chickens in the fattening stage. 105 broiler chickens were used, which were housed in a shed, which were divided into 3 groups, each group corresponded to 35 broiler chickens that were fed with Moringa Meal (Moringa oleífera), Soybean Meal (Mlycine max) and where a group was used as a Witness. Weight data was recorded daily from the 29 days of life of the chickens until the 42 day end of the fattening stage, the application and consumption of food were daily, for this investigation we proceeded to prepare the flour of Moringa (Moringa oleífera) where it was applied as a nutritional supplement in which good results were obtained. It is worth mentioning that the highest weight percentage obtained by the broilers were from the Ration # 2 group, which was fed with commercial feed Pronaca and Soybean Meal (Mlycine max), followed by Ration # 3, a group that was fed with balanced commercial Pronaca, emphasizing that from the 32 days of life of the broiler chickens of each group of Rations, their weight began to increase more, reaching 6.50 (lb.) demonstrating that by incorporating protein sources together with the food or commercial balanced in the diet is a strategy for chickens, increasing production without using hormones that in the end helps to accelerate the growth of the animals, in addition, taking into account that the birds showed acceptance towards the consumption of Moringa Flour (Moringa oleífera) and Soybean Meal (Mlycine max). Due to the above, Moringa (Moringa oleífera) and Soya (Mlycine max) flour can be presented as valuable additional ingredients in animal nutrition, providing excellent weight gain, indicating that feeding acts as a limiting factor, which increases costs of production.
Description: La presente investigación corresponde al área productiva y se realizó en el Cantón Chone en el Centro de gestión, innovación y transferencia de conocimiento “Finca Tigrillo” de la Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, proponiendo evaluar la respuesta de dos fórmulas alimenticias con diferentes niveles de proteínas en pollos broilers en la etapa de engorde. Se utilizó 105 pollos broilers, que se alojaron en un galpón, los cuales fueron divididos en 3 grupos, cada grupo correspondía a 35 pollos broilers que fueron alimentados con Harina de Moringa (Moringa oleífera), Harina de Soya (Mlycine max) y donde un grupo fue utilizado como testigo.

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