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Title: Alternativas de manejo de lactancia en vacas mestizas anéstricas para mejorar índices reproductivos y económicos en el cantón Chone.
Authors: Andrade Giler, Carmen Gabriela
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Andrade Giler, C. G. (2023). Alternativas de manejo de lactancia en vacas mestizas anéstricas para mejorar índices reproductivos y económicos en el cantón Chone. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-AGRO;0210
Abstract: The purpose of this work was to evaluate restricted suckling, as a strategy in the management of lactation in crossbred cows to improve reproductive rates in the Convent parish of the Chone canton. 20 calves (T1) were used for the present investigation, which were in the lactation phase (40 days postpartum). Restricted suckling was applied to them, this was maintained for 90 days, until they were completely weaned at 7 months. The group (T0) was maintained with conventional suckling, they followed the same management that is used on the farm, that is, with the calf at the foot until 7 months of age. The results obtained highlighted that the post-treatment ovulation rate at 25 days in the trial is 60% in animals in the ovulating period and 40 of this same group (with AR restricted breastfeeding) that were not ovulating. The weaning-heat interval (G#1) remained above group #2, with 40% of animals observed with heat behavior, while in group B this value was in the order of 20%. The percentage of cyclical animals was higher in group #1 with 60% of the animals cycling, while 40% of this group remained in the anestrous phase, while group #2 only 20% showed cyclicity and 80% % of the animals remained in anestrus during the period of the investigation. The animals from G#1 showed pregnancy upon palpation, 60% of them were not pregnant, while from group #2, 20% of the cows were pregnant and a significant 80% were not pregnant. Within the contribution of this research, it is notable that in the suckling group, the reproductive indices improve significantly, but the weight gains fall and at the same time more pathologies appear than in the animals that were with young at the foot. , it is noteworthy that the dry season also reduced the condition of the animals (cows and calves), and this probably influenced the weight gain due to the lower nutritional contribution.
Description: La finalidad del presente trabajo fue evaluar el amamantamiento restringido, como estrategia en el manejo de la lactancia en vacas mestizas para mejorar índices reproductivos en la parroquia Convento del cantón Chone. Se emplearon para la presente investigación 20 terneros (T1), que estaban en fase de lactancia (40 días posparto) Se les aplicó amamantamiento restringido, esto se mantuvo por 90 días, hasta ser destetados completamente a los 7 meses. Al grupo (T0.

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