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Title: Aplicación de estrategia didáctica en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de los números enteros en la unidad educativa cinco de mayo del cantón Chone.
Authors: Velásquez Alcívar, Myriam Alejandra
Vitery Zambrano, Sarana Mechael
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Velásquez Alcívar, M. A. y Vitery Zambrano, S. M. (2023). Aplicación de estrategia didáctica en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de los números enteros en la unidad educativa cinco de mayo del cantón Chone. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-CC.EX;003
Abstract: The main objective of this study is to raise awareness in the educational community (teachers and students) of the importance of the Application of didactic strategy in the teachinglearning process of the set of whole numbers in the students of the Educational Unit Fiscomisional "Cinco de Mayo" of the canton Chone, the application of the didactic strategy in education plays an important role, Given that teaching-learning strategies with an interactive approach, are didactic resources that contribute to ensuring that teaching becomes a playfulaction, so the present didactic teaching experience provides practical and pedagogical elements that are carried out in the interaction of teachers and students, to generate significant environments. And strengthening the mathematical thinking of the student for the resolution of problems that involve the set of integers. The esearch work has a qualitative-quantitative approach with a non-experimental design, it is correlational and bibliographic. The instrument used was the survey, for both variables. The population was composed of the students of the educational unit involved, where the sample for data collection was 75 students of the eighth parallel year "A and B". The results obtained through the applied instrument indicate that the teachers of the institution do apply didactic strategies, these being the ones that are always implemented in the area of mathematics, with traditional resources such as books, blackboards, workshops, exploratory questions, generating that students do not know new strategies associated with technology, which are currently a means to innovate and achieve the learning objectives planned in the subject of mathematics. In conclusion, didactic strategies are the fundamental pillar, and the way to reach students with knowledge, which is why the teacher must know and be constantly prepared as to which didactic strategies are the most feasible to implement within the educational context.
Description: El objetivo principal del presente estudio es concientizar a la comunidad educativa (docentes y estudiantes) la importancia de la Aplicación de estrategia didáctica en el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje del conjunto de los números enteros en los estudiantes de la Unidad Educativa Fiscomisional “Cinco de Mayo” del cantón Chone, la aplicación de la estrategia didáctica en la educación juega un papel importante, dado que las estrategias de enseñanzaaprendizaje con un enfoque interactivo, son recursos didácticos que contribuyen a lograr que la enseñanza se convierta en una acción lúdica, por lo que la presente experiencia didáctica de enseñanza aporta elementos prácticos y pedagógicos que se realizan en el interactuar de los docentes y alumnos, para generar ambientes significantes. Y fortaleciendo el pensamiento matemático del estudiante para la resolución de problemas que involucren al conjunto de los números enteros.

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