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Title: Estrategia de alfabetización digital para el acceso a la información del GAD-Manta 2023.
Authors: Pilligua Pilligua, Enderson Xavier
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Pilligua Pilligua, E. X. (2023). Estrategia de alfabetización digital para el acceso a la información del GAD-Manta 2023. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-GIG;029
Abstract: In this research project, the methodological proposal modality with the title "Digital Literacy Strategy for Access to Information of GAD-Manta", has been carried out based on the little digital literacy that exists coming from citizens and the slight use of electronic governments, therefore for its solution it is propose as an objective, the design of a digital literacy strategy that favors the right to access information of the e-government, having as specific objectives to identify how the right to information is affected, substantiate the proposal and determine literacy methods. In this sense, this research focuses on a set of theories, based on new information technologies and digital literacy models in order to design a strategy that allows solving the problems encountered. For the research, the Decentralized Autonomous Government (GAD in Spanish) of Manta was established as a research target, where a diagnosis was applied to the website and a preliminary diagnosis to the citizens, evidencing that the website is not completely adapted for people with disabilities, and to a large extent they personally attend to carry out their procedures because of the low level of digital literacy. The methods used were, theoretical, analysis, documentary-bibliographic, surveys and observation guide. The results showed that citizens do not make use of virtual platforms; based on a Belshaw digital literacy model, it is intended to have citizens that make use of electronic governments.
Description: En el presente proyecto de investigación, modalidad propuesta metodológica con el tema “Estrategia de Alfabetización Digital Para el Acceso a la Información del GAD-Manta”, ha sido generada en base a la poca alfabetización digital que hay por parte de los ciudadanos y el poco uso de los gobiernos electrónicos, por lo consiguiente para su solución propone como objetivo, diseñar una estrategia de alfabetización digital que favorezca el derecho al acceso a la información del gobierno electrónico, teniendo como objetivos específicos identificar como se afecta el derecho a la información, fundamentar la propuesta y determinar los métodos de alfabetización.

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