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Title: Herramientas online para mejorar la comprensión lectora en adolescentes de bachillerato de la unidad educativa fiscomisional Juan Montalvo.
Authors: Góngora Cevallos, Gema Audrey
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Góngora Cevallos, G. A. (2023). Herramientas online para mejorar la comprensión lectora en adolescentes de bachillerato de la unidad educativa fiscomisional Juan Montalvo. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-PLL;005
Abstract: Education is an educational process full of changes that progresses as the learning process is perfected where it is effective to guarantee an improvement in the way in which it is taught but also in the content where online tools are supposed to be fundamental axes in the transformation of education since, they are an essential pillar within reading comprehension, where it is established that not only words must be recited but really internalize what is being observed. It was proposed to inquire about online tools to improve reading comprehension through bibliographic reviews and field research to make a selection in which they are exposed in addition to reinforcing which is the most optioned in this type of process. It is an investigation with a qualitative- quantitative approach, where as a technique the questionnaires of the surveys were used, where the objects of study were, the population in teachers was the total of the seven teachers of language and literature, while for the students it was 41 first-year high school students from the Juan Montalvo educational unit were selected. Education is a restructuring process that is constantly changing and in search of improvements, where one of the most important resources for teachers today is digital tools, since they allow the teacher to really reach the student, personalizing , such as adapting contents according to priorities and knowledge needs of students for the structuring of their knowledge.
Description: La educación es un proceso educativo lleno de cambios que avanza a medida que se va perfeccionando la forma en la que se crea el aprendizaje donde es efectivo garantizar una mejora en la forma en la que se enseña, pero también en el contenido donde las herramientas online suponen ser ejes fundamentales en la transformación de la educación, siendo pilares esencial dentro de la comprensión lectora, donde se establece que no solo se debe recitar palabras sino realmente interiorizar en lo que se está observando. Se planteó indagar sobre las herramientas online para mejorar la comprensión lectora por medio de revisiones bibliografías e investigaciones de campo para realizar una selección en la que se expongan cuáles son además de reforzar cuál es la más opcionada en este tipo de procesos.

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