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Title: Pedagogía de la escritura para la creación de cuentos cortos.
Authors: Sánchez Loor, Marlene Elizabeth
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Sánchez Loor, M. E. (2023). Pedagogía de la escritura para la creación de cuentos cortos. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM - PLL;016
Abstract: The present investigation deals with the elaboration of short stories that will allow to improve the writing capacity through the pedagogy of writing, applied to eighth grade EGB students. This is oriented so that young people are motivated to write, encourage their imagination, and creativity. It is also intended to motivate the student to generate skills and development in aspects of creativity. It was found that there are weaknesses in writing activities. The focus of the work is qualitative, with a descriptive level where pedagogical aspects of story writing are observed. It has deductive, inductive, synthetic, and analytical methods. Three instruments were used: the interview with the teacher of the literature subject, the student surveys, and the observation sheet. Eighth grade “B” students were chosen as the population. The sample was 41 students between 11 and 12 years old. This study aims to analyze the creation of stories to achieve the objectives. Therefore, the structures of the story, the number of extension that a short story should have, creative writing, this is how the student is motivated to easily develop stories, in which, they can also be based on their anecdotes, they can be addressed in the theoretical framework. It is important to highlight that in the results obtained that writing is important for the development and contribution of previous knowledge and creative skills that help to better writing, and thoughts.
Description: La presente investigación, trata sobre la elaboración de cuentos cortos que permitirá mejorar la capacidad escritora por medio de la pedagogía de la escritura, aplicada a estudiantes de octavo EGB. Esto se orienta para que los jóvenes se motiven a escribir, fomentar su imaginación, y la creatividad. También se pretende motivar al estudiante para generar habilidades y desarrollo en aspectos de creatividad. Se encontró que existen debilidades en las actividades de escritura. El enfoque del trabajo es cualitativo, con un nivel descriptivo donde se observa aspectos pedagógicos de la escritura de cuentos. Posee métodos deductivo, inductivo, sintético, y analítico.

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