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Title: El Confinamiento por la Pandemia Covid-19 y su Afectación en la Convivencia Familiar de los Habitantes de la Nueva Esperanza, Manta, Durante el Período 2021.
Authors: Arteaga Estrada, Sandy Katiuska
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Arteaga Estrada, S. K. (2023). El Confinamiento por la Pandemia Covid-19 y su Afectación en la Convivencia Familiar de los Habitantes de la Nueva Esperanza, Manta, Durante el Período 2021. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-TS;0083
Abstract: The present research work refers to the confinement by the Covid-19 pandemic and its affectation in the family coexistence, in the inhabitants of the sector "Nueva Esperanza", having as main source the families of the sector. It is important to mention that the family system during the pandemic faced many adversities and social problems causing economic, social and emotional instability, the methodology used was of qualitative type because its main objective is to know the experiences lived on the affectations of family coexistence during the confinement by the pandemic Covid-19 in the inhabitants of Nueva Esperanza, with the application of this qualitative approach allowed to deepen opinions of the investigated people to tell what they think and how they feel in a broader way on subjects related to the family coexistence. The key informants were 4 families of the sector, for which a questionnaire was designed with seven open questions addressed to the families of the Nueva Esperanza sector. It is concluded that the confinement due to the Covid-19 pandemic did affect the family coexistence of the inhabitants of "Nueva Esperanza", which increased the levels of daily needs in the home, arguments between couples that caused irritability; in the youngest members of the home it was evident to see the displeasure in the children, causing fights in children. It is recommended to generate empathy to understand the social reality that is lived day by day in each home, in order to create strategies that allow to contribute positively in behavioral habits to prevent future contagions.
Description: El presente trabajo investigativo se refiere al confinamiento por la pandemia Covid-19 y su afectación en la convivencia familiar, en los habitantes del sector “Nueva Esperanza”, teniendo como fuente principal a familias de sector. Es importante mencionar que el sistema familiar durante la pandemia afrontó muchas adversidades y problemas sociales ocasionando inestabilidad económica, social y emocional, la metodología que se utilizó fue de tipo cualitativo porque su principal objetivo es conocer las experiencias vividas sobre las afectaciones de convivencia familiar durante el confinamiento por la pandemia Covid-19 en los habitantes de la Nueva Esperanza.
Appears in Collections:TRABAJO SOCIAL

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