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Title: La Educación en Valores para Disminuir el Nivel de Femicidio en Adolescentes de la Unidad Educativa Agropecuaria Bellavista, Periodo 2022-2023.
Authors: Briones Moreira, Roosevelt Bernardo
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Briones Moreira, R. B. (2023). La Educación en Valores para Disminuir el Nivel de Femicidio en Adolescentes de la Unidad Educativa Agropecuaria Bellavista, Periodo 2022-2023. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-TS;0084
Abstract: The present research work aimed to determine if education in values is the key to the reduction of femicide in the students of the Bellavista Agricultural Education Unit in the period 2023-2024, considering the students and teachers involved as the main source of analysis. In this problem, allowing to determine which are the inconveniences that are presented as a result of education in values, the methodology implemented was through a mixed approach, in which statistical data was obtained on the knowledge of students about femicide, in addition For this, the type of descriptive research was selected, allowing a more detailed analysis of the variables. It is important to mention that the selected sample consisted of 104 students from the different high schools of this institution, to whom the survey was applied as a technique through a questionnaire. of 10 questions, instead the teachers were given an interview of 5 open questions that allowed the collection of this information in which the data obtained were analyzed through the deductive, inductive, synthetic analytical and statistical methods. The results were based on the fact that education in values is the key to reduce emicide, because it allows developing a critical judgment and being able to accept mistakes in time, promoting respect, equality and empathy, since it will help in their training as an individual to contribute to their own good and create a more aware and committed society in the prevention of femicide. According to the results, it is based that it is the primary cause to reduce the level of femicide in adolescents of this institution, because a good training allows creating a good integral development in each individual, generating feelings and emotions of empathy and respect towards others.
Description: El presente trabajo de investigación pretendió determinar si la educacion en valores es la clave para la dismunicion del femicidio en los estudiantes del la Unidad Eduactiva Agropecuaria Bellavistaen el periodo 2023-2024, teniendo en consideracion como principal fuente de analisis a los estudiantes y los docentes involucrados en dicha problemática, permitiendo determinar cuales son los inconvenientes que se presentan a raiz de la educación en valores, la metodologia implementada fue por medio de un enfonque mixto, en el que se obtuvo datos estadísticos sobre el conocimiento de los estudiantes sobre el femicidio.
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