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Title: Estrategias operativas y financieras para la toma de decisiones gerenciales en la Empresa Cogamantasa – Manta
Authors: Cagua Cuero, Kelly Milena
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Cagua Cuero, K. M. (2023). Estrategias operativas y financieras para la toma de decisiones gerenciales en la Empresa Cogamantasa – Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-CT.AUD;0116
Abstract: Implementing an effective business strategy is one of the concerns of most companies, since it allows them to effectively ensure the development of their business, and therefore, its sustainability. From an analysis to the Cogamantasa company, it will be extended that it presents some weaknesses in its strategic plan that will promote the organization, for which, the present study will be developed, which had as a general objective established operational and financial strategies, through knowledge of the business reality. In its specific objectives, operational and financial strategies were defined, the current situation of the company was diagnosed, and these strategies were also identified so that they contribute to improving managerial decision-making in the Cogamantasa company. The investigation was carried out through an investigation with a mixed approach, of a descriptive, deductive, analytical, synthetic type, for which an interview was applied to the Manager and Accountant of the company, in order to collect information provided based on their knowledge and experience; Likewise, a diagnosis of the external and internal environment was made, to prepare the SWOT. The results showed that Management needs to establish business strategies for better decision-making in the company, since it cannot directly control the segments and elements of the general environment, but it can select and implement the most appropriate strategies for the organization. Operational and financial strategies were designed leading to the fulfillment of goals of the Cogamantasa company, which will allow optimizing its resources to generate value through the productive and financial process to increase competitiveness, quality, productivity and customer satisfaction.
Description: Poner en marcha una estrategia empresarial eficaz es una de las preocupaciones de la mayoría de las empresas, ya que les permite asegurar de forma eficaz el desarrollo de su negocio, y, por tanto, su sostenibilidad. De un análisis a la empresa Cogamantasa se determinó que presenta algunas debilidades en su plan estratégico que afectan a la organización, para lo cual, se desarrolló el presente estudio que tuvo como objetivo general establecer estrategias operativas y financieras, mediante el conocimiento de la realidad empresarial, en sus objetivos específicos se definió estrategias operativas y financieras, se diagnosticó la situación actual de la empresa, y así mismo se identificaron estas estrategias para que contribuyan a mejorar la toma de decisiones gerenciales en la empresa Cogamantasa.

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