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Title: Comportamiento productivo del pasto clon 51 (Pennisetum sp) a cinco niveles de fertilización orgánica.
Authors: Barreiro Velásquez, Yulissa María
Keywords: PASTO CLON 51
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Barreiro Velásquez, Y. M. (2022). Comportamiento productivo del pasto clon 51 (Pennisetum sp) a cinco niveles de fertilización orgánica. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-AGRO;0227
Abstract: The productive behavior of clone 51 grass (Pennisetum sp) was evaluated at five levels of organic fertilization, with different doses of worm bed leachate. The investigation was carried out at the Pinar del Río farm, located at km 29 via Chone - Santo Domingo, on the right margin, coordinates 0°15'47" S and 79°24'52" W, province of Manabí, Ecuador, determining the production of green matter (MV), calculating the production of dry matter (MS) and the content of dry matter (%MS) was established, for which a randomized block design was used, the trial had 5 treatments with 4 repetitions, giving a total of 20 plots of 6 m2 per experimental unit, it was fertilized in a single opportunity 20 days after equalization cut, via foliar, the volume applied in each of the treatments were the following: T1: 2 liters of leachate per hectare (4.8 cc/treatment); T2: 4 liters of leachate per hectare (9.6 cc/treatment); T3: 6 liters of leachate per hectare (14.4 cc/treatment); T4: 8 liters of leachate per hectare (19.2 cc/treatment); and T5 10 liters of leachate per hectare (24 cc/treatment). The results obtained were the following: The application of organic fertilizer, at five levels of worm bed leachate, in Clone 51 grass (Pennisetum sp), did not interfere in the production of green matter per hectare (MV), nor in the production of dry matter (MS), but nevertheless it did affect the content of dry matter (%MS), being the best T2 with 13.33 (%MS).
Description: Se evaluó el comportamiento productivo del pasto clon 51 (Pennisetum sp) a cinco niveles de fertilización orgánico, con diferente dosis de lixiviado de cama de lombriz. Se realizó la investigación en la hacienda Pinar del Río, ubicada en el km 29 vía Chone - Santo Domingo, al margen derecho, coordenadas 0°15´47” S y 79°24´52” O, provincia de Manabí, Ecuador.

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