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Title: Influencia de la edad, raza y el sexo sobre la prevalencia de Tripanosomiasis en bovinos del cantón El Carmen.
Authors: Cedeño Napa, Jahir Vicente
Keywords: ANIMALES
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Cedeño Napa, J. V. (2022). Influencia de la edad, raza y el sexo sobre la prevalencia de Tripanosomiasis en bovinos del cantón El Carmen. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-AGRO;0244
Abstract: This disease is caused by different species of unicellular eukaryotic parasites of the genus Trypanosoma, according to the study carried out to determine the prevalence of bovine trypanosomiasis in the El Carmen canton, period 2021, the results obtained could identify 5.5% prevalence for Trypanosoma Sp. The representation of this agent was identified in the San Pedro de Suma parish with a prevalence of 4.4%, and in the 4 de December parish with a prevalence of 30%, thus the 4 de December parish obtained a higher index of prevalence and San Pedro de Suma the lowest, in what is based on the age, race and sex variables, the results obtained in the age variable show us that animals under one year of age have a greater predisposition to suffer from the disease, expressing a 73 % of positivity in the total number ofanimals that identified the causal agent prone to getting the disease, in the race variable the Taurus are more likely to get the disease Actually, the sex variable shows us that females are more likely to get the disease, there are many risk factors such as anemia, abortions, diseases transmitted by ticks, flies, history of hemotropic diseases and as a protection factor technical assistance, deworming, quarantines and according to the cross-sectional study of the disease, risk and protection factors can be established.
Description: Esta enfermedad es causada por diferentes especies de parásitos eucariotas unicelulares del género Tripanosoma, según el estudio realizado para determinar la prevalencia de tripanosomiasis bovina del cantón El Carmen, periodo 2021, los resultados obtenidos se pudieron identificar el 5,5% de prevalencia para Tripanosoma sp. Se identificó la representación de este agente en la parroquia San Pedro de Suma con una prevalencia de 4,4%, y en la parroquia 4 de Diciembre con una prevalencia de 30%, siendo así la parroquia 4 de Diciembre obtuvo un mayor índice de prevalencia y san Pedro de Suma la más baja.

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