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Title: Intrinsic motivation for the english learning through flipped classroom in adolescents in el carmen.
Authors: Dávila Zambrano, Nayeli Eugenia
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Dávila Zambrano, N. E. (2022). Intrinsic motivation for the english learning through flipped classroom in adolescents in el carmen. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-IDI-NYE;009
Abstract: The objective of this study is to increase intrinsic motivation between 12- 17 year- old students through an innovative and active methodology as it is Flipped Classroom. This motivation plays an important role in the classroom due to students can enjoy doing any task for its own pleasure, that is because they want to do it rather to feel obligated. For this research the instruments use to collect data from 23 students (18 females and 6 males) from El Carmen, Ecuador were a Likert questionnaire from the University of San Pedro in Peru, a form questionnaire, and an educational intervention. The method applied in the present study is the quantitative approach that involve collecting numerical data. The findings of this study reveals that the majority of students were not highly intrinsically motivated to learn English, but after flipping the classroom and teaching themes of interest to them, their intrinsic motivation improved.
Description: El objetivo de este estudio es aumentar la motivación intrínseca entre estudiantes de 12 a 17 años a través de una metodología innovadora y activa como es Flipped Classroom. Esta motivación juega un papel importante en el aula debido a que los estudiantes pueden disfrutar haciendo cualquier tarea por su propio placer, es decir, porque quieren hacerla en lugar de sentirse obligados. Para esta investigación los instrumentos utilizados para recolectar datos de 23 estudiantes (18 mujeres y 6 hombres) de El Carmen, Ecuador fueron un cuestionario tipo Likert de la Universidad de San Pedro en Perú, un formulario de cuestionario y una intervención educativa. El método aplicado en el presente estudio es el enfoque cuantitativo que implica la recolección de datos numéricos.

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