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Title: Propuesta para revitalizar y articular espacios recreativos en los barrios el Palmar, los cactus, los bosques y Alariza Zavala de la ciudad de Manta.
Authors: Acosta Moreira, Jesús Antonio
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Acosta Moreira, J. A. (2019).Propuesta para revitalizar y articular espacios recreativos en los barrios el Palmar, los cactus, los bosques y Alariza Zavala de la ciudad de Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-ARQ;0218
Abstract: The research work consists of the revitalization and articulation of spaces recreational facilities as a dynamic factor in the sector, generating interest from the inhabitants for them, providing quality spaces with a high level of comfort, which maintain a sequence and diversity of functions and generate a circuit that articulate them with each other. The research work was carried out in the Los Esteros parish of the city of Manta in the El Palmar, Los Cactus, Alariza Zavala and Los Bosques neighborhoods. The neighborhoods mentioned present public spaces for recreation, leisure and sport, which are desolate and in a state of deterioration without any type of participation of the residents. The development of the work consisted of theoretical research and field research, concluding in a proposal to revitalize and articulate recreational spaces to through an integrating circuit. The circuit in question constitutes a boulevard that will invite people to stay in it, through its different areas of rooms and at the same time generating a sequence that will go through each of these spaces giving dynamism and vitality to the sector involved, in favor of achieving a change of image of the sector where produces a relationship between the community and the spaces designated for them, seeking to convert them into safe spaces.
Description: El trabajo de investigación consiste en la revitalización y articulación de los espacios recreativos como factor dinamizador del sector, generando interés de los habitantes por los mismos, dando espacios de calidad y con un alto nivel de confort, que mantengan una secuencia y diversidad de funciones y que generen un circuito que los articule entre sí.
Appears in Collections:ARQUITECTURA

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