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Título : Propuesta arquitectónica de conjunto funerario publico/urbano para el cantón manta provincia de Manabí.
Autor : Delgado Sánchez, Oscar Henry
Fecha de publicación : 2019
Citación : Delgado Sánchez, O. H. (2019). Propuesta arquitectónica de conjunto funerario publico/urbano para el cantón manta provincia de Manabí. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ARQ;0225
Resumen : The current approach for the final degree project was executed at the level of architectural proposal Manta from the province of Manabí. With the general objective of diagnosing the degree of saturation in the public/urban cemeteries of the canton of Manta, to carry out this research will collect necessary information and with these guidelines carry out a architectural proposal of a funerary complex, where the different spaces satisfy the needs of functionality and environmental improvement, with the in order to satisfy the demand for funeral spaces in the city. Problem of vital importance since the nonexistence of infrastructure funeral home does not cover the demand, a conflict that may be noticeable by observing and confirming it in the Hygiene Department of the Manta canton, since It does not have the necessary information regarding the city's cemeteries. Currently, the cemeteries that exist in the urban area of ​​the city of Manta, are not suitable since it has a precarious infrastructure, saturated, disordered and improvised. The work carried out is based on conceiving an architectural proposal that allows reducing saturation rates in cemeteries public/urban areas of the Manta canton and will be classified in the field of research: ARCHITECTURAL LIVING PROJECTS AND THEORY OF THE ARCHITECTURE. This diagnosis, research and project are integrated to respond to the needs of the popular population of the Manta canton and at the same time reflecting to the problem of spatial saturation that cemeteries present, so that be repeated in the future.
Descripción : El planteamiento actual para el trabajo final de titulación se ejecutó a nivel de propuesta arquitectóni Manta de la provincia de Manabí. Albergando como objetivo general el diagnosticar el grado de saturación en los cementerios públicos/urbanos del cantón de Manta, para llevar a cabo esta investigación se recopilara información necesaria y con estas pautas realizar una propuesta arquitectónica de un conjunto funerario, donde los diferentes espacios satisfagan las necesidades de funcionabilidad y mepramiento ambiental, con el fin de satisfacer la demanda de espacios fúnebres en la ciudad.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5299
Aparece en las colecciones: ARQUITECTURA

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