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Title: Propuesta arquitectónica basado en el análisis espacial para el aprendizaje y desarrollo de las expresiones artísticas en la ciudad de Santo Domingo.
Authors: Acosta Zurita, Jorge Leopoldo
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Acosta Zurita, J. L. (2019). Propuesta arquitectónica basado en el análisis espacial para el aprendizaje y desarrollo de las expresiones artísticas en la ciudad de Santo Domingo. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-ARQ;0240
Abstract: The present architectural proposal study is based on the spatial analysis for the learning and development of artistic expressions in the City of Santo Domingo, position that, in it, various artistic manifestations are generated that develop in open and private public spaces, being improvised and unsafe as they do not have sufficient and appropriate equipment, obtaining negative results in the strengthening identity through art. Research corresponds to the need for social development, the stimulation by improvement, the interest in acquiring both theoretical and practical knowledge in the development of the arts, for this its objective is to identify the current state of the spaces existing for the development of the arts, for this its objective is to identify the current state of the existing spaces for the development of artistic expressions in the city of Santo Domingo. The research methodology was bibliographic, because with it developed the theoretical and field framework, since it was necessary to carry out surveys and interviews to collect useful information for the development of research. In conclusion, it is determined that through research the theories that consider artistic activities as one of the main entities to strengthen the culture and give the identity value that the city has, citizens know the importance and somehow they try not to lose it. For this problem, a proposal is presented a two-level infrastructure considering the architectural requirements suitable for artistic activities, the spaces implemented in the proposal are based on the most relevant activities that are being carried out in the city.
Description: El presente estudio de propuesta arquitectónica está basado en el análisis espacial para el aprendizaje y desarrollo de las expresiones artísticas en la Ciudad De Santo Domingo, puesto que, en la misma se generan diversas de manifestaciones artistas que se desarrollan en espacios públicos abiertos y privados, siendo improvisados e inseguros al no contar con equipamientos suficientes y adecuados, obteniendo resultantes negativas en el fortalecimiento de la identidad a través del arte.
Appears in Collections:ARQUITECTURA

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