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Title: Planificación urbana en el sector Tierra Santa de la parroquia Leónidas Proaño del cantón Montecristi.
Authors: Vera Zambrano, Gema Alexandra
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: Vera Zambrano, G. A. (2018). Planificación urbana en el sector Tierra Santa de la parroquia Leónidas Proaño del cantón Montecristi. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-ARQ;0266
Abstract: The area object of study, analysis and proposal of this work is It is located in the Tierra Santa Sector of the Leónidas Proaño Parish. of the Montecristi Canton, place where the construction project will be developed. research, with the idea of ​​proposing a new approach for the development of urban circuits; circuits that are focused on the basic principles of urban design. A report was developed based on a diagnosis of which it is observed and analyzes the problems of the sector, through the recognition of the place and the dialogue with the occupants, in order to investigate and collect the needs priorities of the site under analysis. This in turn allows us to propose an alternative solution through a proposal that allows the recovery of space public of the sector, as well as generating that the inhabitants of the place can have a better quality of life by being part of the modernization and of the advancement of technology related to urban planning, and on the other hand seek to improve public space. The solution consists of a comprehensive recovery of public space, the same that leads to the improvement of the streets both at the entrance to the sector like internal roads, it also involves the construction of sidewalks and cycle roads since that is one of the means of transportation most used by people from the sector to mobilize internally, on the other hand promotes the construction of a park with the purpose of providing the community a place to share and carry out activities that involve the social integration, thus allowing adults and children to have a best place to live.
Description: El área objeto de estudio, análisis y propuesta de este trabajo, se encuentra ubicada en el Sector Tierra Santa de la Parroquia Leónidas Proaño del Cantón Montecristi, lugar en el cual donde se desarrollará el proyecto de investigación, con la idea de proponer un nuevo enfoque para el desarrollo de circuitos urbanos; circuitos que están enfocados a los principios básicos del diseño urbano.
Appears in Collections:ARQUITECTURA

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