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Title: Recuperación del espacio urbano y entorno natural del barrio Rodríguez Lara-km8 del cantón Sucre.
Authors: Quijije Vélez, Javier David
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: Quijije Vélez, J. D. (2018). Recuperación del espacio urbano y entorno natural del barrio Rodríguez Lara-km8 del cantón Sucre. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-ARQ;0269
Abstract: The Rodríguez Lara neighborhood-km8 belonging to the Sucre canton with a population of 627 people, presents non-regularized settlements in stilt houses bordering the Mangrove and its canals, a Packing Plant of Camarón that affect the use of both urban and natural, infrastructure, visual, the habitability of citizens and the degradation of the natural environment with the emission of garbage waste to through the mangrove channels. Since the 80s with the Boom Shrimp farming, a time of great economic importance and urban development. The investigation belongs to the line of territorial planning, vulnerability and risk management established by the faculty of architecture of the Eloy Alfaro Lay University of Manabí whose objective is to identify, diagnose and propose a proposal regarding the urban-natural problem in the specific objectives. With this final degree project, it is proposed to implement linear parks and a ecological park which will serve as an alternative responding to solving the problems encountered, taking advantage of natural resources to generate a lower environmental impact and create a strategic and tourist point that raises the economic situation of the sector and the City. In addition to delimiting natural spaces, protecting them from future invasions and promoting recreation and social integration areas.
Description: El barrio Rodríguez Lara-km8 perteneciente al cantón Sucre con una población de 627 personas, presenta asentamientos no regularizados en viviendas palafíticas bordeando el Manglar y sus canales, una Empacadora de Camarón que afectan en el uso del espacio tanto urbano como natural, infraestructura, visual, la habitabilidad de los ciudadanos y la degradación del entorno natural con la emisión de desperdicios de basura a través de los canales del manglar. Desde los años 80 con el Boom Camaronero, época de gran importancia económica y desarrollo urbano.
Appears in Collections:ARQUITECTURA

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