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Título : Complejo artesanal turístico ecológico en el sitio el aromo, Pacoche, Liguiqui y San Lorenzo del cantón Manta.
Autor : Franco Cedeño, Carlos Alberto
Fecha de publicación : 2018
Citación : Franco Cedeño, C. A. (2018). Complejo artesanal turístico ecológico en el sitio el aromo, Pacoche, Liguiqui y San Lorenzo del cantón Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ARQ;0279
Resumen : This thesis was carried out with the purpose of obtaining appropriate data of the ecological artisanal complex for the Aromo Pacoche area with the objective of marketing artisanal products and attracting tourism in the sector, We were able to appreciate all the fundamental processes of this research like this: the diagnostic description of the problem we are investigating explained in the background, in the approach and formulation of the problem through deficient artisanal complex of the sector and how it limits the tourist offer of the sector, we also express the purpose of improving the aforementioned through general and specific objectives such as promoting the mentioned craft activity. Reading the theoretical framework allows you to obtain a theoretical foundation for all the topics considered important for the development of the thesis, as well as For example, the artisan activity, the crafts of the Aromo Pacoche area, traditional uses of the sector, artisanal process, crafts as potential tourism and generalities of tourism, in the same way for the process of research it can be seen that the methodology used adjusts to the requirements to be able to carry out an analysis and interpretation of results and issue conclusions and recommendations as a product of the application of surveys of people involved in this topic. As a final part of this thesis, the alternative proposal has been prepared in whose pages clearly show the techniques of making innovative crafts based on the Aroma de Pacoche site as well as strategies to organize a craft center as a fundamental contribution to the training of artisans in the sector, their organization, the development of tourism and the improvement of the quality of life.
Descripción : La presente tesis fue realizada con el propósito de obtener datos apropiados del complejo artesanal ecológico para la zona del Aromo Pacoche con el objetivo de comercializar productos artesanales y atraer el turismo del sector, logramos apreciar todo los procesos fundamentales de esta investigación así: la descripción diagnóstica del problema que investigamos explicada en los antecedentes, en el planteamiento y formulación del problema mediante la deficiente complejo artesanal del sector y como ésta limita la oferta turística del sector, expresamos también el propósito de mejorar lo antes mencionado mediante los objetivos general y específicos como es el de impulsar la actividad artesanal mencionada.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5353
Aparece en las colecciones: ARQUITECTURA

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