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Title: Desarrollo del lenguaje funcional mediante tableros de comunicación.
Authors: Zambrano García, Angela Lisbeth
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Zambrano García, A. L. (2019). Desarrollo del lenguaje funcional mediante tableros de comunicación. (Análisis de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-TL;0088
Abstract: The topic of this case analysis is "Development of functional language through communication boards", which aim to achieve communication through the establishment of a method Alternative with support (SAAC acronym in Spanish) through the use of communication boards that favor their communication skills. Alternative and augmentative communication is used to increase the communication capacity in the face of a functional verbal deficiency that encompasses an extensive set of theoretical elaborations, sign systems, technical and technological aids that are used in patients with communication, language or speech problems. prevents having a functional language, among these is the motor insufficiency of cerebral origin that is characterized by presenting problems in the area of language that can range from simple articulation difficulties to a total impossibility to issue an understandable word. The techniques and instruments for the collection of information were through the family interview, speech therapy card and the initial functional evaluation with the purpose of assessing communication skills by executing an appropriate intervention plan, this achieving knowledge of the effectiveness of the use of communication boards as an alternative method with support based on the selection of images as a means of expression.
Description: El tema del presente análisis de caso es “Desarrollo del lenguaje funcional a través de tableros de comunicación”, el cual tiene como objetivo lograr la comunicación mediante el establecimiento de un método alternativo con apoyo (SAAC) mediante el uso de tableros de comunicación que favorezcan sus habilidades comunicativas.
Appears in Collections:TERAPIA DEL LENGUAJE

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