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Title: Plan de negocio para la producción y comercialización de leche de soya con sabor a frutas en el cantón Manta.
Authors: Del Valle Menoscal, Johana Olaya
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Del Valle Menoscal, J. O. (2019). Plan de negocio para la producción y comercialización de leche de soya con sabor a frutas en el cantón Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-MKT;0104
Abstract: In this degree project, an entrepreneurship idea for the canton is presented. Manta, which is established with the objective of providing a product that helps improve health of the population, to generate economic resources for the company and thus create sources of employment in the city. In chapter 1, the strategic study establishes the objectives which will be guides to determine the viability of the project. In addition, external and internal factors are analyzed of the company using the EFI and EFE evaluation matrix with the analysis variables SWOT, a value is assigned to each of them to corroborate the strengths and weaknesses of the company. At the end, the results of the weighting are reflected in the Position Matrix Strategic obtaining Strategy to Retain and Maintain the proposal of the enterprise, carry out strategies to make the product known and for people to consume food that provide them with benefits, apart from satisfaction. Likewise, the legal aspect is described for the correct functioning of the establishment, which will be located in the Nuevo citadel Blanket #1. In chapter 2, in market research, necessary information is collected from sources primary and secondary, of which Manta has 226,477 inhabitants and an EAP of 113,465, according to the last census in 2010. The market niche is established: Youth and adults of 15 to 60 years of age with lower-middle and middle socioeconomic class, who like to take care of their health; In addition to, looking and feeling good. To obtain the sample, the population was taken into account economically active of the city, obtaining a result of 383 people to be surveyed. HE announced the offer to the sample surveyed and it was received by the vast majority with 94% implying that the business is accepted by the client.
Description: En el presente proyecto de titulación se presenta una idea de emprendimiento para el cantón Manta, el cual se establece con el objetivo de brindar un producto que ayude a mejorar la salud de la población, de generar recursos económicos para la empresa y así crear fuentes de empleo en la ciudad.
Appears in Collections:INGENIERÍA EN MARKETING

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