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Título : Creación de una marca de prendas femeninas estilo hipstercasual con asesoramiento virtual en la ciudad de Manta.
Autor : Zamora Sabando, Ritha Dayana
Fecha de publicación : 2019
Citación : Zamora Sabando, R. D. (2019). Creación de una marca de prendas femeninas estilo hipstercasual con asesoramiento virtual en la ciudad de Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-MKT;0109
Resumen : Many clothing stores in the Pacific Mall do not produce their own clothing and therefore They sell them at high prices due to all the logistics involved in getting them to the racks and showcases and that at the end of the seasons unsold products accumulate. The business plan that will be developed below proposes the creation of a brand of hipster/casual style feminine clothing with virtual advice. Hipster style wears vintage and retro type garments, that is, those clothes that were very popular in the eighties and nineties but adapted to the modernization of current fashion; The garments will have costs of production that will allow obtaining great profitability and in the same way being able to market them at affordable prices. Rita Hipster Girl, which is the new clothing brand for women from Mexico, will have a young and fresh work team opening the way to opportunities for newly minted professionals graduates and in this way promote and increase sources of work for people who They are just starting their working life. The brand will not only have a stock for its collections but it offers the option of making outfits according to the clients' tastes along with the image advisor and a virtual application that will provide a future perspective of the client with her new outfit, this will help improve the taste and refine the characteristics of the clients when creating their personalized garments. This clothing brand aims to become necessary for today's young woman who is sensitive to price but who needs to dress and feel good at the same time, women 17 to 25 years old who seek to make a difference with a simple piece of clothing. According to the financial analysis and market research previously carried out, aims to reach 9.5% of the target market, which corresponds to 767 women with a production projection of 650 units per month, of which they plan to sell the 70% that corresponds to 453 units divided between: blouses, Jeans, shorts, skirts and jumpers monthly according to the market study. The project will require an investment of $46,777 to be able to purchase the machinery necessary for the production of the garments and raw materials, the clothing and furniture to set up the boutique in the mall and the labor for the adaptations of the store. It is intended to obtain a net profit of $27,955 in the first year, $29,742 in year two, $33,240 for year three, $42,444 in year 4 and $51,603 in year five. Based on the financial analyzes obtained, the viability and profitability can be demonstrated.
Descripción : Muchas tiendas de ropa del Mall del pacífico no producen sus propias prendas y por ende las venden a precios elevados debido a toda la logística pertinente para traerlas a las perchas y vitrinas y que al final de las temporadas se acumulan productos sin vender. El plan de negocios que se desarrollará a continuación plantea la creación de una marca de prendas femeninas estilo hipster/casual con asesoramiento virtual. El estilo hipster usa prendas tipo vintage y retro, es decir, aquella ropa que fue muy popular en los años ochenta y noventa pero adaptadas a la modernización de la boga actual; las prendas tendrán costos de producción que permitirán obtener una gran rentabilidad y de la misma manera poder comercializarlas a precios asequibles.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5465
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