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Title: Plan de negocio para la creación de una micro empresa dedicada a la producción y comercialización de vinos a base de frutas tropicales en la provincia de Manabi.
Authors: Delgado Rivera, Wellington Alexander
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Delgado Rivera, W. A. (2019). Plan de negocio para la creación de una micro empresa dedicada a la producción y comercialización de vinos a base de frutas tropicales en la provincia de Manabi. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-MKT;0110
Abstract: The project that will be presented below aims to create a microenterprise called Manavino that will be dedicated to the production and marketing of wine, being a viable and profitable business idea, offering the best quality of the product at points of sale through cutting-edge through different distribution channels. This project will be made up of a work team of three visionary people, trained and capable of obtaining a quality product, through guidelines jointly related to the well-being of the growth of the company and the consumer. The product is a mango and pineapple wine which will have the name Manavino, same that will not contain chemicals, preservatives or flavoring, it is a 100% natural product that benefits the health of the consumer, it will have the added value of a long maturation process and concentration of flavor, in turn it will have a container which will be designed with products manabitas, serving as decoration for homes or offices. This project has as clients direct sales establishments such as bars, restaurants, nightclubs, hotels, and supermarkets. For the investigation of the respective project, the census has been taken as a reference of the INEC of 2010 where we worked with the Province of Manabí which corresponds to 1,369,780, considering the economically active population, the age range at which the product is directed, the average price willing to pay and the frequency of consumption, The target market was 411 people. Applying a type of “non-probabilistic” sampling intentional”, a result of 384 surveys was obtained. The product is aimed at men and women 18 years of age and older who are in a middle socioeconomic class towards above.
Description: El proyecto que se presentará a continuación tiene como fin la creación de una microempresa llamada Manavino que se dedicará a la producción y comercialización de vino, siendo una idea de negocio viable y rentables, ofreciendo la mejor calidad del producto en puntos de ventas mediante la vanguardia a través de diferentes canales de distribución.
Appears in Collections:INGENIERÍA EN MARKETING

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