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Title: Plan de negocio para la creación de una guardería de mascotas en la ciudad de Manta.
Authors: Chávez Morales, Anthony Damián
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Chávez Morales, A. D. (2019). Plan de negocio para la creación de una guardería de mascotas en la ciudad de Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-MKT;0112
Abstract: The Chanpets company will be a dog daycare center which will be located in the city of Manta, pets in the establishment will be welcomed to provide them with care optimal and basic instruction or training. The company will focus on those people between 23 and 60 years old who have stable economic income, with which can support the conservation of the pet, and likewise, they want that while they They can't, someone take care of their dog. This business model seeks to offer a daycare with various services such as day lodging, food and basic training and plus other additional ones such as veterinary care. The company will have three services available to its clients, which are: Golden, which will have all services included, veterinary, training and daycare; The Poodle, which includes training and daycare, and finally, the Chihuahua, which will consist only of the daycare. This division of services was necessary to exercise greater control regarding the needs of each animal and its owner. As a marketing strategy, 2x1 will be used the first month from its launch. inauguration in order to attract customers to the establishment, in addition, the strategic alliances as a means to acquire brand recognition with public and private institutions raising awareness among the population about appropriate reatment of pets. The company will be incorporated as a public limited company due to the facilities that offers, it will have a meeting of shareholders who will determine a general manager. 42% of The investment that will be made will be their property and the remaining 58% will be negotiated. loan at a financial institution.
Description: La empresa Chanpets será una guardería canina la cual se ubicará en la ciudad de Manta, las mascotas en el establecimiento serán acogidas para brindarles un cuidado óptimo y una instrucción o entrenamiento elemental. La compañía se enfocará en aquellas personas entre los 23 a 60 años quienes tienen ingresos económicos estables, con los que pueden sustentar la conservación de la mascota, y así mismo, desean que mientras ellos no puedan, alguien cuide a su can. Este modelo de negocio procura ofrecer una guardería con diversos servicios como, hospedaje diurno, alimentación y adiestramiento básico y además otros adicionales como la atención veterinaria.
Appears in Collections:INGENIERÍA EN MARKETING

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