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Título : Plan de negocio de una microempresa para producir vasos de vidrio utilizando material reciclado en la ciudad de Manta.
Autor : Constante Barreto, Iberth Lenin
Fecha de publicación : 2019
Citación : Constante Barreto, I. L. (2019). Plan de negocio de una microempresa para producir vasos de vidrio utilizando material reciclado en la ciudad de Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-MKT;0115
Resumen : Ecologic Glass (company name) is a company that seeks to venture into the glass market, creating an innovative and ecological product that raises awareness among population for the preservation of the environment, with recycling through phrases and images on each of the glasses. Ecologic Glass was born from the idea of ​​recycling glass bottles, which are voted every day in the city mainly in the areas where the bars and nightclubs where many of them reach the sea, becoming a major pollutant Since they take years to isintegrate, glass represents 7% of trash. There are many varieties of glasses in the city and the country, but Ecologic Glass is will differentiate because it has a broad business opportunity because there is no another brand of glasses that makes them from glass bottles, with unique designs in each of its glasses this is due to the new market trends to take care of the planet using green products or products from recycling. The glasses are very used in homes, but that no company in Ecuador is dedicated to doing this process therefore would not have direct competition, that is why Ecologic Glass will venture into this market more when the trend of millennials looks for new alternatives that help care for the planet, without leaving aside other generations which will also be important for the company, the arrival of tourists who always They carry souvenirs from the country, the different bars, restaurants and people with trend ecological. This activity has its initiative in the Manta canton. However, it is a product new and this activity has not started, that is why this plan will be carried out from scratch of business, a project that economically represents $25,000. The financial indicators show the profitability based on the different periods that have been analyzed in this project, for its execution it is required $25,000, which is made up of 76% equity capital and the remaining 24% The capital will be obtained through bank loans. In general, the project requires necessary conditions for its execution. The financial indicators that have been analyzed show that the NPV is favorable of 33,292, applying the discount rate of 11.7% and an IRR of 48.8%, with a investment recovery period of 1.33, in a period of 2 years, 6 months and 11 days.
Descripción : Ecologic Glass (nombre de la empresa) es una empresa que busca incursionar en el mercado de vasos, creando un producto innovador y ecológico que concientice a la población para la preservación del medio ambiente, con el reciclaje a través de frases e imágenes en cada uno de los vasos.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5471
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA EN MARKETING

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