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Title: El marketing digital y su influencia en el posicionamiento de marca de los establecimientos del sector mobiliario de la ciudad Manta.
Authors: Cevallos Castro, Mirian Monserrate
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Cevallos Castro, M. M. (2019). El marketing digital y su influencia en el posicionamiento de marca de los establecimientos del sector mobiliario de la ciudad Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-MKT;0116
Abstract: The central theme of this research focuses on digital marketing and how it influences brand positioning of the furniture companies in the city of Manta, for the development of the study a type of bibliographic and field research is carried out, according to the level of research it is descriptive, being in turn correlational applying quantitative methodology, making use of the survey as a technique, and the instrument the questionnaire of Likert scale questions. The study population is made up of the economically active population (PEA) of Manta which, according to the INEC data of the 2010 population and housing census, determines that it corresponds to 50.1% of the total population, which represents 113,477 inhabitants. In this study, it was also considered to conduct an interview with the establishments of the furniture sector, which according to data provided by the Internal Revenue Service (SRI) 69 companies are registered, with 46% making use of digital tools (social networks, mobile applications, web pages, etc.), and of which they agree on the use of digital marketing for recognition and market positioning, however there is a weak application of these tools being more noticeable in micro and small businesses, As a result of the weak use of these tools, either due to the lack of knowledge or lack of resources to hire trained personnel in the area, the results are not as significant compared to medium and large companies in the city.
Description: El tema central de la presente investigación se enfoca en el marketing digital y de qué manera influye en posicionamiento de marca de las empresas mobiliarias de la ciudad de Manta, para el desarrollo del estudio se lleva a cabo un tipo de investigación bibliográfica y de campo, según el nivel de investigación es descriptivo, siendo a su vez correlacional aplicando metodología cuantitativa, haciendo uso de la encuesta como técnica, y el instrumento el cuestionario de preguntas en escala de Likert.
Appears in Collections:INGENIERÍA EN MARKETING

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