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Title: Marketing urbano como gestión estratégica para el desarrollo socioeconómico del cantón Tosagua, provincia de Manabí.
Authors: Coaboy Velasquez, Wagner Ignacio
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Coaboy Velasquez, W. I. (2019). Marketing urbano como gestión estratégica para el desarrollo socioeconómico del cantón Tosagua, provincia de Manabí. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-MKT;0118
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know how Urban Marketing as a strategic management affects the socioeconomic development of the Tosagua Canton, Province of Manabí, from aspects such as urban infrastructure, attractions, image, people, agricultural and commercial sector, whose specific objectives are sought : develop effective strategies and measures to improve urban marketing; socialize and involve all groups in the agricultural and commercial sector; develop political and social perspectives between private and public institutions; manage and position a desired city model, in the medium and long term in the Tosagua canton, province of Manabí. The present investigation is of mixed type, that is to say, qualitative-quantitative of correlational style where the instrument used was the structured survey according to the Likert scale, the same one that was conformed by a sample 384 people corresponding to the population number, being the place of study the canton Tosagua. The Cronbach Alpha statistic applied in surveys showed a result of 0.841 reliability, that is, that the instrument applied meets the characteristics of the research and according to the general evaluation of urban marketing as a strategic management for the socioeconomic development of the canton Tosagua, province of Manabí, Spearman's Ro coefficient, showed a result of 0.994, and therefore there was a high degree of relationship. As a result, the variables (x) have a high degree of incidence on the dependent variable (y), which is why the canton is affected in its socioeconomic development.
Description: La presente investigación tiene como propósito conocer de qué manera el Marketing Urbano como gestión estratégica incide en el desarrollo socioeconómico del Cantón Tosagua, Provincia de Manabí, desde aspectos como infraestructura urbana, atractivos, imagen, personas, sector agrícola y comercial, cuyos objetivos específicos buscan: desarrollar estrategias y medidas efectivas para mejorar el marketing urbano; socializar e involucrar a todos los grupos del sector agrícola y comercial; desarrollar perspectivas políticas y sociales entre las instituciones privadas y públicas; gestionar y posicionar un modelo deseado de urbe, a medio y largo plazo en el cantón Tosagua, provincia de Manabí.
Appears in Collections:INGENIERÍA EN MARKETING

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