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Title: Plan de negocio para la creación de una microempresa dedicada a la elaboración y comercialización de mermelada artesanal dietética en la ciudad de Manta.
Authors: Anchundia Delgado, Luis Ricardo
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Anchundia Delgado, L. R. (2019). Plan de negocio para la creación de una microempresa dedicada a la elaboración y comercialización de mermelada artesanal dietética en la ciudad de Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-MKT;0122
Abstract: Jams are created with high percentages of sugar and fat, but very few are suppliers of vitamins, proteins or natural minerals. For this reason the category of “MermeSano” business, a young and innovative micro-enterprise ambitious in being able to position the brand of the product to the market, which will be dedicated to the production and marketing of artisanal dietary jams, where you will have professionals trained to create of a quality product. The purpose of this project is the development of a business idea focused on canton Manta, which arises with the motive of covering an unsatisfied need, so that the market through the surveys carried out express that they have not consumed a jam strawberry diet with such aloe vera ingredient analyzing this factor as an opportunity market to introduce a unique and attractive product with multiple health benefits of the people. To understand the market, research began through surveys, which were applied to 383 people. The business idea was received with a acceptance level of 93% where respondents recognized that in the city there are no companies that offer a jam product with health benefits and that are willing to consume jams with this ingredient. The product is aimed at men and women of different ages who like importance of good eating habits to generate a quality of life. To start the venture, an investment of $68,798 was required, the of which 56% are from own resources, while 44% was obtained through credit to a banking entity. With a payback period (PRI) of two years and three months zero days, a positive NPV of 44,658 and an IRR of $35.7%, managing to exceed the Discount (12.6) and making the business activity viable, therefore, it is concluded that this project presents the necessary conditions to be launched.
Description: Las mermeladas son creadas con altos porcentajes de azúcar y grasa, pero muy pocos son proveedores de vitaminas, proteínas o minerales naturales. Por esta razón nace el rubro del negocio “MermeSano”, una microempresa joven e innovadora y ambiciosa en poder posicionar la marca del producto al mercado, la cual estará dedicada a la producción y comercialización de mermeladas artesanales dietéticas, donde poseerá profesionales capacitados para la creación de un producto con calidad.
Appears in Collections:INGENIERÍA EN MARKETING

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