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Title: El branding y su incidencia en la fidelización entre las marcas lee y chevignon en almacenes autorizados de Manta.
Authors: Zamora Alcívar, Dexy Margarita
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Zamora Alcívar, D. M. (2019). El branding y su incidencia en la fidelización entre las marcas lee y chevignon en almacenes autorizados de Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-MKT;0131
Abstract: In recent years the brand has become an important part in companies, thanks to this they are differentiated in the market. Covering the needs of customers is a key point, providing products and services that are up to the consumer, considering new and innovative ideas of fundamental change to build loyalty, positioning of the brand and thus obtain positive results generating customer satisfaction. The present research work is based on studying possible branding strategies that modify the incidence in the positioning of the brand in the minds of the customers of Lee and Chevignon, this will allow them to reach high levels of loyalty among current and future prospects. The main objective is to analyze the factors and strategies that affect loyalty for Lee and Chevignon brands. This investigation was of qualitative type descriptive scope that allowed to determine the relationship that exists between two variables. For the calculation of the sample, the Economically Active Population (PEA) of the city of Manta was considered, obtaining a sample of 382 people. As a dependent variable, "Branding" was followed by the independent variable "Customer loyalty" when buying a garment in Lee and Chevignon in authorized warehouses in the city of Manta. It was possible to determine the factors of loyalty and preferences of consumption in clothing, concluding that the marketing strategies applied by these two brands do affect the customer at the time of purchase.
Description: En los últimos años la marca se ha convertido en parte importante en las empresas, gracias a esto son diferenciadas en el mercado. Cubrir las necesidades de los clientes es un punto clave, brindando productos y servicios que están a la altura del consumidor, considerando nuevas e innovadoras ideas de cambio fundamental para fidelizar, el posicionamiento de la marca y así obtener resultados positivos generando satisfacción del cliente.
Appears in Collections:INGENIERÍA EN MARKETING

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