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Título : Evaluación de la calidad del servicio de alojamiento en los hoteles de Santa Marianita.
Autor : Sánchez Pinargote, Rafael Julián
Palabras clave : TURISMO
Fecha de publicación : 2019
Citación : Sánchez Pinargote, R. J. (2019). Evaluación de la calidad del servicio de alojamiento en los hoteles de Santa Marianita. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-HT;0144
Resumen : Tourism activity is considered one of the main sources of income for the city of Manta and one of the strong points for the development of the town as it encourages jobs, thanks to its 13 beautiful beaches and the high demand of tourists Choose these destinations as key points to visit. The Santa Marianita beach is located on the maritime coast of Manta, between the San Mateo Urban Parish in the north and the San Lorenzo Rural Parish in the south. Getting to your parish head, by the sea, takes about 30 minutes by road from the city of Manta. This place is very visited by its beach, the peaceful environment and the growing offer of holiday homes. Therefore, the objective of this research is to evaluate the quality of the accommodation service for the contribution to the strengthening of the tourist activity in Santa Marianita. In the methodology of the research, exploratory and descriptive methods were applied, carried out with mixed, qualitative and quantitative approaches; The survey of 120 tourists and documentary research were used as data collection techniques. The results that were obtained show the main deficiencies and problems that hinder the quality of service. An action plan must be prepared to solve these mitigating factors, which will have a satisfactory impact, allowing the continuous improvement of its objectives and the satisfaction of the client.
Descripción : La actividad turística es considerada como uno de las principales fuentes de ingresos para la ciudad de Manta y uno de los puntos fuertes para el desarrollo de la localidad ya que fomenta plazas de trabajo, gracias a sus 13 hermosas playas y la alta demanda de turistas que eligen estos destinos como puntos claves a visitar.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5496
Aparece en las colecciones: HOTELERÍA Y TURISMO

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