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Title: Análisis del Protocolo de Actuación en Casos de Consumo de Drogas en Estudiantes de la ULEAM, año 2024
Authors: Barre Zambrano, Angélica Viviana
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Barre Zambrano, A. V. (2024). Análisis del Protocolo de Actuación en Casos de Consumo de Drogas en Estudiantes de la ULEAM, año 2024. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-TS;0098
Abstract: The present research project whose subject refers to the “Analysis of the Protocol of Action in Cases of Drug Consumption in Students of the ULEAM, year 2024”, has as purposes to determine the level of effectiveness of the protocol of action in cases of drug consumption in students of the Uleam, to evaluate the perception of students about its accessibility, relevance, detection, and response, and to identify the barriers and limitations that affect its implementation. In the context of the problem, drug use in the university context affects multiple aspects of students' lives, mainly physical and mental health, as well as academic performance. Therefore, the action protocols implemented by universities are essential to mitigate risks, providing students with the knowledge and tools to reduce both cases of consumption and its negative consequences. The study adopted a qualitative approach with a phenomenological design, using descriptive and analytical methods for data interpretation. In addition, it was based on the participation of different key informants, using interviews as a data collection technique. The results show that Uleam does not have an action protocol, but it does implement a prevention program in cases of drug use that has had a positive impact on the problem addressed. It is concluded that this prevention program presents a comprehensive and effective care approach, with a multidisciplinary action that includes preventive health and human development.
Description: El presente proyecto de investigación cuyo tema se refiere al “Análisis del Protocolo de Actuación en Casos de Consumo de Drogas en Estudiantes de la ULEAM, año 2024”, tiene como propósitos determinar el nivel de eficacia del protocolo de actuación en casos de consumo de drogas en estudiantes de la Uleam, evaluar la percepción de los estudiantes sobre su accesibilidad, pertinencia, detección y respuesta, e identificar las barreras y limitaciones que afectan su ejecución. En el marco del problema, el consumo de drogas en el contexto universitario incide en múltiples aspectos de la vida de los estudiantes, principalmente en la salud física y mental, así como en el rendimiento académico.
Appears in Collections:TRABAJO SOCIAL

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