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Title: El Consumo de Drogas y su Impacto en la Economía Familiar en el Cantón Jipijapa, año 2024.
Authors: Coox Cañarte, Heidi Jamileth
Keywords: CONSUMO
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Coox Cañarte, H. J. (2024). El Consumo de Drogas y su Impacto en la Economía Familiar en el Cantón Jipijapa, año 2024. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-TS;0104
Abstract: The research titled "Drug Consumption and its Impact on the Family Economy in the Jipijapa Canton in 2024" seeks to analyze how drug consumption affects the family economy of the inhabitants of the Ricardo Loor Citadel in Jipijapa. The study focuses on evaluating the percentage of inhabitants who consume drugs, the factors that influence this consumption, the income and economic expenses of the affected families, and proposing prevention strategies. To do this, a quantitative methodology was used using surveys applied to a representative sample of the inhabitants of the citadel. Of a total population of 400 people, 196 were surveyed to ensure a 95% confidence level and a 5% margin of error. The results will reveal that drug consumption is prevalent in the community, mainly affecting young men. The majority of those surveyed consider that drug use is a serious problem that negatively impacts the family economy. This study concludes that it is essential to implement prevention and education campaigns about the risks of drug use. Furthermore, the need for effective intervention strategies to support affected families and reduce the economic impact of drug use is highlighted.
Description: En la investigación titulada "El Consumo de Drogas y su Impacto en la Economía Familiar en el Cantón Jipijapa año 2024", se busca analizar cómo el consumo de drogas afecta la economía familiar de los habitantes de la Ciudadela Ricardo Loor en Jipijapa. El estudio se enfoca en evaluar el porcentaje de habitantes que consumen drogas, los factores que influyen en este consumo, los ingresos y egresos económicos de las familias afectadas, y en proponer estrategias de prevención.
Appears in Collections:TRABAJO SOCIAL

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