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Title: Percepción Social sobre los Riesgos de Consumo de Drogas Blandas en el Barrio San Agustín, Manta 2024.
Authors: Moreira Zambrano, Gissella Jamileth
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Moreira Zambrano, G. J. (2024). Percepción Social sobre los Riesgos de Consumo de Drogas Blandas en el Barrio San Agustín, Manta 2024. (Proyecto de investigación). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-TS;0118
Abstract: The following research project is quantitative and explanatory, which allows a better interpretation of the data and the obtaining of reliable information on the social perception of the risks of soft drug use in the San Agustín neighborhood, Manta. This explanatory approach seeks to identify the causes that affect the problem of the consumption of these substances and how they are perceived by the inhabitants of the community. Using the analytical-synthetic method, it allows the phenomenon to be approached from a comprehensive perspective, considering various factors that influence the perception and behavior of the community. This facilitates the identification of patterns and relationships between the variables studied. One of the techniques and instruments on which the research will be based is through surveys that will be carried out on the inhabitants of the San Agustín neighborhood, this technique allows obtaining information quickly and accurately on the perceptions and attitudes of the community regarding the consumption of soft drugs. Along with the questionnaire that will help the collection of information, in which 17 closed questions with answer options will be presented, designed to capture the perception of the respondents and meet the objectives of the research.
Description: El siguiente proyecto de investigación es de tipo cuantitativo y explicativo, lo que permite una mejor interpretación de los datos y la obtención de información confiable sobre la percepción social de los riesgos del consumo de drogas blandas en el barrio San Agustín, Manta. Este enfoque explicativo busca identificar las causas que inciden en la problemática del consumo de estas sustancias y cómo se perciben por parte de los habitantes de la comunidad.
Appears in Collections:TRABAJO SOCIAL

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