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Title: El Entorno Familiar y su Relación con el Consumo de Cigarrillo en Adolescentes del Cantón Manta, Año 2024
Authors: Ortega Cedeño, Johana Belén
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Ortega Cedeño, J. B. (2024). El Entorno Familiar y su Relación con el Consumo de Cigarrillo en Adolescentes del Cantón Manta, Año 2024. (Proyecto de investigación). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-TS;0119
Abstract: The research topic was the family environment and its relationship with cigarette consumption in adolescents in the Canton of Manta in 2024. The general objective was to analyze how the family environment influences cigarette consumption in adolescents in the canton of Manta. The problem was rooted in the concern about the increase in cigarette consumption among adolescents, linked to dysfunctional family environments that can foster risky behaviors. The methodology used was a qualitative and phenomenological approach, which allowed for understanding the experiences and perceptions of adolescents in their family context. Ten families and ten adolescents from the Marbella neighborhood of Manta were selected as key informants. Data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews, which were recorded and transcribed for analysis, complementing the analytical-synthetic method. The results indicated that a dysfunctional family environment, characterized by a lack of effective communication, frequent conflicts, and the absence of emotional support, significantly influences the initiation and maintenance of cigarette consumption in adolescents. Furthermore, it was found that adolescents who perceive cigarette consumption as acceptable within their family environment are more likely to adopt this behavior. In conclusion, the research highlighted the need to intervene in family dynamics to prevent cigarette consumption in adolescents through support and education programs aimed at both parents and adolescents, promoting effective communication and emotional support within the family nucleus.
Description: El tema de la investigación fue el entorno familiar y su relación con el consumo de cigarrillo en adolescentes del Cantón Manta Año 2024. El objetivo general fue analizar cómo el entorno familiar influye en el consumo de cigarrillo en adolescentes en el cantón Manta. El problema radicaba en la preocupación por el aumento del consumo de cigarrillo entre adolescentes, vinculado a entornos familiares disfuncionales que pueden fomentar comportamientos de riesgo. La metodología utilizada fue un enfoque cualitativo y fenomenológico, que permitió comprender las experiencias y percepciones de los adolescentes en su contexto familiar.
Appears in Collections:TRABAJO SOCIAL

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