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Title: La Presión Social y el Consumo de Sustancias Adictivas en Adolescentes del Cantón Jipijapa, Años 2023-2024.
Authors: Segovia Mera, Pierina Jessenia
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Segovia Mera, P. J. (2024). La Presión Social y el Consumo de Sustancias Adictivas en Adolescentes del Cantón Jipijapa, Años 2023-2024. (Proyecto de investigación). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-TS;0127
Abstract: The present investigation was carried out with the purpose of knowing if social pressure is related to the consumption of addictive substances, with adolescents from the Jipijapa Canton as the main source. Therefore, a quantitative approach research was proposed, which allowed us to know the variables precisely within the selected sample, in order to obtain objective and therefore quantifiable data. The types of research selected were correlational because it sought to measure the degree of relationship between two variables, in order to identify the patterns that allow us to understand the proposed phenomenon and descriptive because this allows us to establish a clear understanding of how they manifest themselves. Social pressure and the consumption of addictive substances. In addition, the deductive method and the statistical method were used, which allowed the survey to be used as an instrument to be applied to the established sample of 157 adolescents from the Jipijapa Canton, with a 15-question questionnaire, through the Microsoft Forms program, in this way They know the results in percentages to later analyze and synthesize the information. At the end of this research, it was concluded that social pressure is related to the consumption of addictive subst ances in adolescents, predominating in adolescents between 14 and 18 years old, where the majority has knowledge about addictive substances, among which are mainly alcohol and tobacco, with greater social pressure in contexts such as parties and social gat herings. This consumption has resulted in negative consequences for many of the adolescents, including health and academic problems. In short, the results of this research highlight the importance of mitigating the risks associated with the use of addictive substances among adolescents.
Description: La presente investigación se realizó con la finalidad de conocer si la presión social tiene relación con el consumo de sustancias adictivas, teniendo como fuente principal a los adolescentes del Cantón Jipijapa. Por lo tanto, se planteó una investigación de enfoque cuantitativo, la cual permitió conocer la variables con precisión dentro de la muestra seleccionada. Los tipos de investigación seleccionados fue: correlacional debido a que se buscó medir el grado de relación entre dos variables, para identificar los patrones que permiten entender el fenómeno planteado y descriptivo porque permite establecer una compresión clara de cómo se manifiestan la presión social y el consumo de sustancias adictivas.
Appears in Collections:TRABAJO SOCIAL

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