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Title: La Cultura Patriarcal y su incidencia en la violencia de género en el cantón Montecristi, año 2024.
Authors: Toala García, Anthony José
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Toala García, A. J. (2024). La Cultura Patriarcal y su incidencia en la violencia de género en el cantón Montecristi, año 2024. (Proyecto de investigación). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-TS;0128
Abstract: The present project describes gender-based violence as one of the phenomena with the greatest impact both within the country and around the world due to its effects on individuals and families. At the same time, it hinders the progress toward a more egalitarian society, making this research important for contemporary society and for the authorities in the canton of Montecristi, as it contrasts the incidence of machismo on gender-based violence among its inhabitants. The main objective was to establish the level of influence that patriarchal culture has on the presence of gender-based violence. For this purpose, a quantitative methodology with a correlational and descriptive design was applied, as well as the analysis-synthesis and deductive-inductive methods. The data collection technique was a survey consisting of 16 questions, which was administered to 302 study participants. The results demonstrated that patriarchy has a medium-high level of incidence within the indices of gender-based violence, indicating the phenomenon's full participation. Consequently, it is concluded that the main cause of gender-based violence is rooted in a patriarchal culture, misinformation, gender inequality, and economic problems.
Description: El presente proyecto describe a la violencia de género como uno de los fenómenos que más repercusión tiene dentro del país y alrededor del mundo, debido al impacto que tiene a nivel individual y familiar, al mismo tiempo limita la evolución a una sociedad más igualitaria, por lo que esta investigación es importante para la sociedad actual y para las autoridades el cantón de Montecristi, debido a que contrasta la incidencia que tiene el machismo en violencia de género que existe entre sus habitantes.
Appears in Collections:TRABAJO SOCIAL

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