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Title: Teaching English as a Foreign Language Application Process
Authors: Agudelo Vásquez, Kaira Carolina
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Agudelo Vásquez, K. C. (2024). Teaching English as a Foreign Language Application Process. (TEFL). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-IDI-NYE;010
Abstract: In English language teaching, the application of grammar can be complicated, and even understanding it in its entirety can be confusing. One of the tools that helps us know grammar is using Form, Meaning, and Use (FMU). Knowing how it is formed, what it means, and how it can be used daily is a great help when transmitting it to the student. In my experience, it has been difficult to understand the grammar of a tapie and even more difficult to teach it because I believe that to teach something, you must first understand it. Analyzing a tapie through FMU will help me understand it and find which part of grammar I should emphasize so that the students can learn better. I can not only apply it but also elaborate on it. It will give me a lot of confidence during my classes. When referring to FMU, we are referring to syntax (for form), semantics (for meaning), and pragmatics (for use). In the transmission ofknowledge, the practice of grammar plays a crucial role. Therefore, it is essential to know the structure of the sentences we are constantly using and will see in class first. The "form" focuses "on the overt lexical and morphological forms that tell us how a particular grammatical structure is constructed and how it is sequenced with other structures in a sentence or text" (Larsen-Freeman, 2001, p. 252). Therefore, knowing this will allow students to intemalize the information they receive better.
Description: En la enseñanza del idioma inglés, la aplicación de la gramática puede ser complicada, e incluso comprenderlo en su totalidad puede resultar confuso. Una de las herramientas que nos ayuda a conocer la gramática es utilizando Forma, Significado y Uso (FMU).

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