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Título : Teaching English as a Foreign Language Application Process.
Autor : Bustamante Moncayo, Melanie Femanda
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Bustamante Moncayo, M. F. (2024). Teaching English as a Foreign Language Application Process. (TEFL). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-IDI-NYE;012
Resumen : Toe knowledge gained from the enriching intemships and the invaluable guidance provided by a dedicated tutor in both in-person sessions have been pivotal in shaping this written work. The academic assignrnents completed during the two stages of the Curricular Integrator Work, the design phase and the result phase, are summarized in the following portfolio. This project, for my degree, has allowed me to delve deeper ínto the four language skills that TEFL comprises, showcasing my significant growth in understanding and application ofthese skills. Firstly, at this stage, we were taught how to create a comprehensive Reflection Wheel Journal, which consists of the following sections: expectations, events, feelings, thoughts, leamings, and applications. The main aim of the journals was to demonstrate our understanding of each skill as it was applíed to our situation and our ideas about our abilities and how we may relate to each other. Furthermore, a considerable list of experiences is included in the journals. Secondly, as 1 was leaming the structure of the journals, 1 also leamed to structure lesson plans that were discussed in tutoring sessions. The subsequent phases pertained to the structure of every lesson plan, which in my case, was completed by first doing the grammatical examination produced by the Form Meaning and Use (FMU). It includes analyzing how to use grammar in spoken, written, and read English. Thirdly, the speaking module, which used the ECRlF (Encounter, Clarify, Remember, Internalize, and Fluently Use) framework, was the second step that carne after. lnstead of using activities to teach courses like a teacher would typically do, the ECRIF technique concentrates its abilities on how the leamers gain language inf ormation. This approach aims to focus on the topic's substance. lntroduction The next step was the listening module, carried out by the PDP Framework (Pre et al. stage). Reading and listening are two receptive skills taught using this Framework (PDP). It assists educators in creating and implementing successful listening classes by utilízing stimulating, captivating, and interactive activities. Toe reading module follows the same principies and aids in improving students' comprehension and reading abilities.
Descripción : Conocimientos adquiridos a partir de las enriquecedoras prácticas y la invaluable orientación, proporcionados por un tutor dedicado en ambas sesiones presenciales han sido fundamentales para dar forma a este escrito. trabajar. Las tareas académicas realizadas durante las dos etapas del Integrador Curricular. El trabajo, la fase de diseño y la fase de resultado, se resumen en el siguiente portafolio. Este El proyecto, para mi carrera, me ha permitido profundizar en las cuatro habilidades lingüísticas que TEFL comprende, mostrando mi crecimiento significativo en la comprensión y aplicación de estas habilidades.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5536
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