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Title: Teaching English to VI Students: Adaptations for Listening and Speaking Lesson Plans.
Authors: García Mantuano, Christopher Josué
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: García Mantuano, C. J. (2024). Teaching English to VI Students: Adaptations for Listening and Speaking Lesson Plans. (Artículo). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-IDI-NYE;017
Abstract: Vision, as a crucial sense for leaming, establishes significant obstacles within the educatíoñat prócess, Ttíe g1-c5wtñg néed for' táñguage teatriti'ig iii educatióual settU1trs highlights the urgency of addressing the challenges of teaching a second language to this specific group of students. This article presents the curricular adaptations for lesson plans that develop listening comprehension and speaking skills. The starting point is a bibliographic review of the strategies for teaching foreign languages based on the methodological frameworks known as PDP and ECRIF. Then, the adaptations are prepared based on the activities in the lesson plans. Through qualitative research, bibliographic and doeumentary systematization is combined with eritieal analysis to· tdentify praetiees for inclusive teaching of foreign languages. The methods used are the incorporation of supportive technologies and inclusive pedagogical techniques focused on improving auditory and verbal skills based on practices identified in the literature review, whose general objective is to develop an adapted class plan to improve the skills ofListening comprehension arrd oral expressiorr rrr stndents with visuat drsabirities wtro are· learnmg a forergn langrrage. The results suggest that integrating these tools improves students' linguistic skills with visual impairment (VI). Pedagogical implications propose an adaptive model for teaching, promoting strategies that make learning accessible and enriching for all and offering recomrrrerrdatiorrs for futnre researclr.
Description: El propósito de este artículo es presentar las adaptaciones curriculares para planes de lección que desarrollan las destrezas para la comprensión auditiva y la expresión oral. Se parte de una revisión bibliográfica sobre las estrategias en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras en base a los marcos metodológicos conocidos como PDP y ECRIF, para luego elaborar las adaptaciones en base a las actividades de los planes de lección. Se utilizan métodos tradicionales, la incorporación de tecnologías de apoyo y técnicas pedagógicas inclusivas, centrada en mejorar las destrezas auditivas y verbales basado en prácticas identificadas en la revisión de la literatura, cuyo objetivo general es desarrollar un plan de clase adaptado para mejorar las habilidades de comprensión auditiva y expresión oral en estudiantes con discapacidades visuales que están aprendiendo una lengua extranjera.

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