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Title: Teaching English as a Foreign Language Application Process.
Authors: Holguín Menéndez, José Anthony
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Holguín Menéndez, J. A. (2024). Teaching English as a Foreign Language Application Process. (TEFL). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-IDI-NYE;021
Abstract: The following paper aims to present a collection of detailed journals which demonstrate a number of activities and relevant information about the implications of applying lessons focused on speaking, writing, listening, and reading based on experiences acquired by the author in internships and community service. In addition, lesson plans are presented in the TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) fonnat to serve as a guide for future teachers, and to demonstrate the effectiveness of this lesson plan format for teaching English as a target language. This integrated curricular work portfolio consists of two phases: Lesson Plans and Journals. First, Lesson Plans are focused on teaching English throught the four skills speaking, writing, listening and reading, and FMU (Form, Meaning, and Use). Each lesson plan details specific activities in which students will work on and improve their skills. The activities will be timed according to the duration ofthe class, focused on the leve! ofEnglish and age of the students, and structured from the most controlled to the freest activities. Second, the journals will also focus on the four skills and the FMU, providing information about each skill through experiences, new knowledge, expectations, solutions, feelings, and applicable activities.
Description: El siguiente artículo tiene como objetivo presentar una colección detallada de revistas que demostrar una serie de actividades e información relevante sobre las implicaciones de aplicar lecciones enfocadas en hablar, escribir, escuchar y leer basadas en experiencias adquirido por el autor en pasantías y servicio comunitario. Además, los planes de lecciones son presentado en el formato TEFL (Enseñanza de inglés como lengua extranjera) para que sirva como guía para futuros maestros y demostrar la efectividad de este formato de plan de lección para enseñanza del inglés como lengua de destino.

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