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Title: Tefl application process.
Authors: Lucas Núñez, Galo
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Lucas Núñez, G. (2024). Tefl application process. (TEFL). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-IDI-NYE;0122
Abstract: This capstone portfolio comprises four meticulously designed lesson plans, each targeting a core English language skill: listening, writing, speaking, and reading, accompanied by a reflective journal for each lesson. The principal aim is to illustrate the ability to design, implement, and evaluate pedagogically sound lessons that promote comprehensive language acquisition. Each lesson plan has been crafted with precision to address specific educational objectives and to provide students with practical, dynamic opportunities to advance and refine their linguistic skills. The listening lesson seeks to enhance student’s capacity to comprehend and process auditory information in varied contexts, employing authentic auditory materials and interactive activities. The writing lesson focuses on fortifying writing skills, emphasizing the organization of ideas, textual coherence and cohesion, and the accurate application of grammar and vocabulary. The speaking lesson is designed to cultivate fluency and precision in oral expression, offering students significant opportunities to practice spoken communication within realistic contexts. Finally, the reading lesson aims to develop reading comprehension through a critical and analytical examination of diverse texts.
Description: Este portafolio final comprende cuatro planes de lecciones meticulosamente diseñados, cada uno apuntando a una habilidad básica del idioma inglés: escuchar, escribir, hablar y leer, acompañado por un diario reflexivo para cada lección. El objetivo principal es ilustrar la capacidad de diseñar, Implementar y evaluar lecciones pedagógicamente sólidas que promuevan un lenguaje integral. adquisición.

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